Definisi 'authentic'

English to English
1 Having a genuine original or authority, in opposition to that which is false, fictitious, counterfeit, or apocryphal; being what it purports to be; genuine; not of doubtful origin; real; as, an authentic paper or register. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
adjective satellite
2 conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief Terjemahkan
an authentic account by an eyewitness
reliable information
source: wordnet30
3 not counterfeit or copied Terjemahkan
an authentic signature
a bona fide manuscript
an unquestionable antique
photographs taken in a veritable bull ring
source: wordnet30
4 An original (book or document). Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
More Word(s)
indisputability, indubitability, unquestionability, unquestionableness, authenticity, echt, genuine, trustworthy, trusty,

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