Definisi 'wipe out'

English to English
1 use up (resources or materials) Terjemahkan
this car consumes a lot of gas
We exhausted our savings
They run through 20 bottles of wine a week
source: wordnet30
2 kill in large numbers Terjemahkan
the plague wiped out an entire population
source: wordnet30
3 eliminate completely and without a trace Terjemahkan
The old values have been wiped out
source: wordnet30
4 remove from memory or existence Terjemahkan
The Turks erased the Armenians in 1915
source: wordnet30
5 mark for deletion, rub off, or erase Terjemahkan
kill these lines in the President's speech
source: wordnet30
6 wipe out the effect of something Terjemahkan
The new tax effectively cancels out my raise
The `A' will cancel out the `C' on your record
source: wordnet30
More Word(s)
annihilation, obliteration, decimation, disintegration, kill, do away with, eliminate, extinguish, get rid of, destroy, run out, drain, indulge, luxuriate, burn, decimate, occupy, take, use up,

Visual Synonyms