English to English verb
1 |
create by putting components or members together | | Example: She pieced a quilt He tacked together some verses They set up a committee
source: wordnet30
2 |
collect in one place | | Example: We assembled in the church basement Let's gather in the dining room
source: wordnet30
3 |
get people together | | Example: assemble your colleagues get together all those who are interested in the project gather the close family members
source: wordnet30
4 |
To collect into one place or body; to bring or call together; to convene; to congregate. | | source: webster1913
5 |
To meet or come together, as a number of individuals; to convene; to congregate. | | source: webster1913
6 |
To liken; to compare. | | source: webster1913
7 |
To collect and put together the parts of; as, to assemble a bicycle, watch, gun, or other manufactured article. | | source: webster1913