Definisi 'shiny'

English to English
1 having a shiny surface or coating Terjemahkan
glazed fabrics
glazed doughnuts
source: wordnet30
2 Bright; luminous; clear; unclouded. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
adjective satellite
3 reflecting light Terjemahkan
glistening bodies of swimmers
the horse's glossy coat
lustrous auburn hair
saw the moon like a shiny dime on a deep blue velvet carpet
shining white enamel
source: wordnet30
4 made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing; reflecting a sheen or glow Terjemahkan
bright silver candlesticks
a burnished brass knocker
she brushed her hair until it fell in lustrous auburn waves
rows of shining glasses
shiny black patents
source: wordnet30
More Word(s)
effulgence, radiance, radiancy, refulgence, refulgency, unglazed, luster, lustre, sheen, shininess, burnish, bright, glassy, vitreous, vitrified, glass-like,

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