Definisi 'commencement'

English to English
1 the time at which something is supposed to begin Terjemahkan
they got an early start
she knew from the get-go that he was the man for her
source: wordnet30
2 an academic exercise in which diplomas are conferred Terjemahkan
source: wordnet30
3 the act of starting something Terjemahkan
he was responsible for the beginning of negotiations
source: wordnet30
4 The first existence of anything; act or fact of commencing; rise; origin; beginning; start. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
More Word(s)
begin, commence, get, get down, set about, middle, end, ending, finish, finishing, change of state, exercise, point, point in time, jumping-off point, point of departure, springboard, activation, attack, birth, creation, baccalaureate,

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