Definisi 'narcotic'

English to English
1 of or relating to or designating narcotics Terjemahkan
narcotic addicts
narcotic stupor
source: wordnet30
2 Having the properties of a narcotic; operating as a narcotic. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
adjective satellite
3 inducing stupor or narcosis Terjemahkan
narcotic drugs
source: wordnet30
4 inducing mental lethargy Terjemahkan
a narcotic speech
source: wordnet30
5 a drug that produces numbness or stupor; often taken for pleasure or to reduce pain; extensive use can lead to addiction Terjemahkan
source: wordnet30
6 A drug which, in medicinal doses, generally allays morbid susceptibility, relieves pain, and produces sleep; but which, in poisonous doses, produces stupor, coma, or convulsions, and, when given in sufficient quantity, causes death. The best examples are opium (with morphine), belladonna (with atropine), and conium. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
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