Definisi 'bear on'

English to English
1 be relevant to Terjemahkan
There were lots of questions referring to her talk
My remark pertained to your earlier comments
source: wordnet30
2 have an effect upon Terjemahkan
Will the new rules affect me?
source: wordnet30
3 press, drive, or impel (someone) to action or completion of an action Terjemahkan
He pushed her to finish her doctorate
source: wordnet30
4 keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last Terjemahkan
preserve the peace in the family
continue the family tradition
Carry on the old traditions
source: wordnet30
More Word(s)
maintainer, sustainer, upholder, preservation, cease, discontinue, give up, lay off, quit, encroachment, impact, impingement, wallop, alter, change, modify, exhort, press, hold, strike a blow, repercuss, tell on, redound, excite, nudge, center, re-start, drive, labor, labour, push, tug, advert, continue,

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