English to English adjective
1 |
Cast or dispersed in all directions, as seed from the hand in sowing; widely diffused. | | source: webster1913 adverb
2 |
So as to scatter or be scattered in all directions; so as to spread widely, as seed from the hand in sowing, or news from the press. | | source: webster1913 noun
3 |
message that is transmitted by radio or television | | source: wordnet30
4 |
a radio or television show | | Example: did you see his program last night?
source: wordnet30
5 |
A casting or throwing seed in all directions, as from the hand in sowing. | | source: webster1913 verb
6 |
broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television | | Example: We cannot air this X-rated song
source: wordnet30
7 |
sow over a wide area, especially by hand | | Example: broadcast seeds
source: wordnet30
8 |
cause to become widely known | | Example: spread information circulate a rumor broadcast the news
source: wordnet30