Definisi 'consume'

English to English
1 eat immoderately Terjemahkan
Some people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal
source: wordnet30
2 serve oneself to, or consume regularly Terjemahkan
Have another bowl of chicken soup!
I don't take sugar in my coffee
source: wordnet30
3 spend extravagantly Terjemahkan
waste not, want not
source: wordnet30
4 destroy completely Terjemahkan
The fire consumed the building
source: wordnet30
5 use up (resources or materials) Terjemahkan
this car consumes a lot of gas
We exhausted our savings
They run through 20 bottles of wine a week
source: wordnet30
6 engage fully Terjemahkan
The effort to pass the exam consumed all his energy
source: wordnet30
7 To destroy, as by decomposition, dissipation, waste, or fire; to use up; to expend; to waste; to burn up; to eat up; to devour. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
8 To waste away slowly. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
More Word(s)
consumption, ingestion, intake, uptake, consumer, sop up, suck in, take in, take up, abstain, desist, refrain, absorb, engage, engross, occupy, drop, eat, hit, cannibalise, cannibalize, habituate, use, run out, dissipate, take, use up,

Visual Synonyms