Definisi 'convention'

English to English
1 a large formal assembly Terjemahkan
political convention
source: wordnet30
2 something regarded as a normative example Terjemahkan
the convention of not naming the main character
violence is the rule not the exception
his formula for impressing visitors
source: wordnet30
3 (diplomacy) an international agreement Terjemahkan
source: wordnet30
4 orthodoxy as a consequence of being conventional Terjemahkan
source: wordnet30
5 the act of convening Terjemahkan
source: wordnet30
6 The act of coming together; the state of being together; union; coalition. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
More Word(s)
conventional, established, formularise, formularize, conventioneer, convene, unconventionality, unconventional, diplomacy, diplomatic negotiations, assemblage, assembly, gathering, orthodoxy, practice, accord, group meeting, conformity, ossification, mores, code of behavior, code of conduct, constitutional ,

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