Definisi 'delegate'
English to English adjective
1 |
Sent to act for or represent another; deputed; as, a delegate judge. | | source: webster1913 noun
2 |
a person appointed or elected to represent others | | source: wordnet30
3 |
Any one sent and empowered to act for another; one deputed to represent; a chosen deputy; a representative; a commissioner; a vicar. | | source: webster1913 verb
4 |
transfer power to someone | | source: wordnet30
5 |
give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person) | | source: wordnet30
6 |
To send as one's representative; to empower as an ambassador; to send with power to transact business; to commission; to depute; to authorize. | | source: webster1913