Definisi 'detonator'
English to English noun
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a mechanical or electrical explosive device or a small amount of explosive; can be used to initiate the reaction of a disrupting explosive | ![Terjemahkan Terjemahkan](images/translate.jpg) | source: wordnet30
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One who, or that which, detonates. | ![Terjemahkan Terjemahkan](images/translate.jpg) | source: webster1913
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One that detonates | ![Terjemahkan Terjemahkan](images/translate.jpg) | source: webster1913 Indonesian to Indonesian
4 |
zat atau bahan yg dapat menyebabkan terjadinya ledakan; -- pemicu alat picu peledakan yg dapat diletupkan dng sumbu bakar atau dng cara elektrik | source: kbbi3