Definisi 'amplify'

English to English
1 increase in size, volume or significance Terjemahkan
Her terror was magnified in her mind
source: wordnet30
2 to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth Terjemahkan
tended to romanticize and exaggerate this `gracious Old South' imagery
source: wordnet30
3 exaggerate or make bigger Terjemahkan
The charges were inflated
source: wordnet30
4 increase the volume of Terjemahkan
amplify sound
source: wordnet30
5 To render larger, more extended, or more intense, and the like; -- used especially of telescopes, microscopes, etc. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
6 To become larger. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
More Word(s)
downplay, minimise, minimize, understate, exaggeration, magnification, overstatement, amplifier, compound, deepen, heighten, intensify, increase, enlarge, puff up, overemphasise, overemphasize, overstress, blow,

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