Definisi 'gong'
English to English noun
1 |
a percussion instrument consisting of a metal plate that is struck with a softheaded drumstick | | source: wordnet30
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a percussion instrument consisting of a set of tuned bells that are struck with a hammer; used as an orchestral instrument | | source: wordnet30
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A privy or jakes. | | source: webster1913
4 |
An instrument, first used in the East, made of an alloy of copper and tin, shaped like a disk with upturned rim, and producing, when struck, a harsh and resounding noise. | | source: webster1913 verb
5 |
sound a gong | | source: wordnet30 Indonesian to Indonesian noun
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1 canang besar (kadang-kadang dipukul sbg tanda pembukaan upacara dsb); 2 cak acara dsb yg terakhir (yg menarik perhatian): acara lawakan itu dijadikan -- dr keseluruhan acara malam itu | source: kbbi3