Definisi 'indispensable'

English to English
1 not to be dispensed with; essential Terjemahkan
foods indispensable to good nutrition
source: wordnet30
2 Not dispensable; impossible to be omitted, remitted, or spared; absolutely necessary or requisite. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
adjective satellite
3 absolutely necessary; vitally necessary Terjemahkan
essential tools and materials
funds essential to the completion of the project
an indispensable worker
source: wordnet30
4 unavoidable Terjemahkan
the routine but indispensable ceremonies of state
source: wordnet30
More Word(s)
indispensability, indispensableness, vitalness, essentiality, essentialness, dispensable, necessary, dispensability, dispensableness, obligatory, critical, vital,

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