English to English noun
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a thin cylindrical pointed writing implement; a rod of marking substance encased in wood |  | source: wordnet30
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graphite (or a similar substance) used in such a way as to be a medium of communication |  | Example: the words were scribbled in pencil this artist's favorite medium is pencil
source: wordnet30
3 |
a figure formed by a set of straight lines or light rays meeting at a point |  | source: wordnet30
4 |
a cosmetic in a long thin stick; designed to be applied to a particular part of the face |  | Example: an eyebrow pencil
source: wordnet30
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A small, fine brush of hair or bristles used by painters for laying on colors. |  | source: webster1913 verb
6 |
write, draw, or trace with a pencil |  | Example: he penciled a figure
source: wordnet30
7 |
To write or mark with a pencil; to paint or to draw. |  | source: webster1913 Indonesian to Indonesian
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1 terasing (terpisah) dr yg lain; menyendiri: beliau duduk agak ~; 2 jauh (dr yg lain): sebuah rumah yg ~ di tengah-tengah hutan; me·men·cil·kan v 1 mengasingkan; menjauhkan dr yg lain: ia hendak ~ diri dr pergaulan; 2 menjauhi; menghindari; tidak menyukai: kadang-kadang pihak keluarganya sendiri pun berusaha ikut ~ nya; ter·pen·cil v tersendiri; terasing; jauh dr yg lain: beliau lahir di sebuah kampung ~; ke·ter·pen·cil·an n keadaan atau hal (yg bersifat) terpencil (terasing, tersendiri): ~ desa ini menimbulkan keterbelakangan masyarakatnya; pe·men·cil·an n 1 proses, cara, perbuatan memencilkan; 2 Kim pemisahan dan penetapan identitas suatu zat murni yg berada dl persentase kecil dl suatu campuran yg rumit; isolasi | source: kbbi3