Definisi 'put in'

English to English
1 introduce Terjemahkan
Insert your ticket here
source: wordnet30
2 keep or lay aside for future use Terjemahkan
store grain for the winter
The bear stores fat for the period of hibernation when he doesn't eat
source: wordnet30
3 break into a conversation Terjemahkan
her husband always chimes in, even when he is not involved in the conversation
source: wordnet30
4 set up for use Terjemahkan
install the washer and dryer
We put in a new sink
source: wordnet30
5 make an application as for a job or funding Terjemahkan
We put in a grant to the NSF
source: wordnet30
6 to insert between other elements Terjemahkan
She interjected clever remarks
source: wordnet30
More Word(s)
insertion, introduction, intromission, enclosing, enclosure, lay, place, pose, position, put, break up, hold on, plug, inoculate, inset, glass, disrupt, retrofit, bin,

Visual Synonyms