Definisi 'brother'

English to English
1 a male with the same parents as someone else Terjemahkan
my brother still lives with our parents
source: wordnet30
2 a male person who is a fellow member (of a fraternity or religion or other group) Terjemahkan
none of his brothers would betray him
source: wordnet30
3 a close friend who accompanies his buddies in their activities Terjemahkan
source: wordnet30
4 used as a term of address for those male persons engaged in the same movement Terjemahkan
Greetings, comrade!
source: wordnet30
5 (Roman Catholic Church) a title given to a monk and used as form of address Terjemahkan
a Benedictine Brother
source: wordnet30
6 A male person who has the same father and mother with another person, or who has one of them only. In the latter case he is more definitely called a half brother, or brother of the half blood. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
7 To make a brother of; to call or treat as a brother; to admit to a brotherhood. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
More Word(s)
brotherlike, brotherly, fraternal, brotherhood, fraternity, sis, sister, church of rome, roman catholic, roman catholic church, roman church, western church, faith, male sibling, monastic, monk, fellow member, member, friend, freemason, mason, cobber, sodality,
Related Word(s)
brethren, brother,

Visual Synonyms