Definisi 'crossing'

English to English
1 traveling across Terjemahkan
source: wordnet30
2 a shallow area in a stream that can be forded Terjemahkan
source: wordnet30
3 a point where two lines (paths or arcs etc.) intersect Terjemahkan
source: wordnet30
4 a junction where one street or road crosses another Terjemahkan
source: wordnet30
5 a path (often marked) where something (as a street or railroad) can be crossed to get from one side to the other Terjemahkan
source: wordnet30
6 (genetics) the act of mixing different species or varieties of animals or plants and thus to produce hybrids Terjemahkan
source: wordnet30
7 a voyage across a body of water (usually across the Atlantic Ocean) Terjemahkan
source: wordnet30
8 The act by which anything is crossed; as, the crossing of the ocean. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
More Word(s)
cover, cross, cut across, cut through, get across, genetic science, genetics, travel, traveling, travelling, voyage, conjugation, path, junction, point, ford, fording, traversal, traverse, dihybrid cross, grade separation, corner,

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